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Minister Cedric Murdaugh

Associate Minister

Rev. Sherry Harvin

Assoicate Pastor​

Minister Michael Glymph


Associate Minister

Prov. 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Minister Cedric Maurice Murdaugh


Minister Cedric Murdaugh is a native of Hampton, SC and now resides in Camden, SC.  As a child, he was brought up in the Miley Church of God, spending Sunday nights in evening night services and Wednesday and Friday nights in prayer meetings.

After receiving his formal education from Wade Hampton High School, he attended Claflin College where he majored in Biology.  He worked at Clariant Chemicals for 7 years and is presently employed with Trane for the past 10 years.

Minister Murdaugh was called into the ministry in 2006.  He has served faithfully at Gordon Street, Church of God under the leadership of Pastor Claretha B. Free as an associate minister, trustee member, treasurer and adult sunday school teacher. 

Minister Murdaugh is married to the love of his life Keever (Gamble) Murdaugh from Kingstree, SC and of May 2013 they will celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary.  They are the proud parents of a son and a daughter.  Minister Murdaugh is a devoted husband, father and friend.  But most important he is a Man of God. 


Prov. 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
Minister Michael Glymph
Minister Michael Glymph is a native of Columbia, SC and where he still resides with his wife Renee of 18 years and their children. Minister Glymph mission is to continuation of lifting the Cross of Christ


After receiving his formal education from Eau Claire High School, he continued his education at Mid America University in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, majoring in Christian Ministries.  For more then a decade, Glymph has managed his family owned construction company,


Minister Glymph's call into the ministry has been very a progressive through his incorporation of the Community Explosion and the Community Hotdog and Prayer.  He has served faithfully at Gordon Street, Church of God under the leadership of Pastor Claretha B. Free as an associate minister, trustee member, and minister. 


Minister Glymph overall mission as a minister and active member of the brotherhood is dedicated to helping men become the spiritual leaders that the Lord calls them to be.  Accountability, Bible study, fellowship, and prayer all contribute to our goal to serve God's purpose, with the help of the Holy Spirit.  
Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."

Minister Darius James
Assoicate Minister

At the age of eleven, Minister Darius James accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, while attending a SC Church of God State Youth Convention. 


From there, the journey began.  Minister James walked closely and grew intimately in relationship with the Lord throughout middle, high school, and college.   James publicly responded to ministerial calling during sophomore year of college, at which time, licensing occurred in 1994. 


Minister James education includes B.A. Music/Education from the University of South Carolina, M.A. Education Administration also from the University of South Carolina, and currently in pursuit of his MDiv from Erskine Theological Seminary​


Minister James married his best friend Alicia and spiritual growth/maturation continued and a calling of God’s plan for their lives blossomed.  In 2004, James was ordained, and he and his wife answered God’s call in 2010 to prepare and devote themselves to a full time ministry, at the conclusion of thirteen years of active duty military service.


Bio Coming Soon


​Trustee Members
Floyd Gillespie
Cedric Murdaugh
Michael Glymph
Jesse Woodford
Norma Free





​Church Secretary
Dana Keys




​Church Musicians
Barbara Pompey
Isaac Gary



​Sunday School Superintendent
Floyd Gillespie



​Youth President
Renee Glymph



CWC President/Usher Department
Susan Keys




​Prayer Ministry
Ollie Hunter



​Outreach Ministry
Barbara Thomas
Ethel Anderson




​New Converts Ministry
Rev. Sherry Harvin




​Children's Ministry

Renee Glymph
Colleen Pradle
Dana Keys


Keever Murdaugh


Pastor Claretha B. Free

Senior Pastor

Welcome to Gordon Street Church of God. 

This congregation is a part of the family of God located at 1707 Gordon Street, Camden, South Carolina 29021.  Here in this "family atomsphere are persons who love the Lord and one another.  this "home" for our born again brothers and sisters who are in Gods's family and together experience Gods' wonderful hospitality, love, and fellowship

The family of God here and the Ministerial Staff warmly invite you to be a part of this unique fellowship.  In fact, we reach our hands in fellowship to all who have become a part of His larger family, the church.  We believe you will be "at home" in this household of Faith

While we are non-denominational in theology and practice, we are not an "independent" church.  this congregation is vitally connected with many other congregations whose general offices are in Anderson , Indiana.  Through this affiliation the work of God in missions, higher education, and sharing the Gospel is a reality on every continent of God's world. 
The family proclaims the word of God as God's word to us today.  Through the scriptures and discernment of God's will in prayer, we are attempting to be a family of Christians who make a positive difference in the world.

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