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The Mission of the Gordon Street Church of God is to minister to all people through the gospel of Jesus Christ by demonstrating His love, by nuturing believers to spiritual maturity and by eqipping them for service





Capturing vision, translating mission, discerning need, and facilitating transformational change—We seek to transform the culture of the church from harmful autonomy to biblical interdependency, from pastoral isolation to connectivity, from fragmentation to common direction, from crisis orientation to mission driven; thereby, transforming the culture of the world in the direction of the kingdom of God.

Five Strategic Values guide our efforts. They are:


Love—Living out the love of Christ, in accordance with the Great Commandment, in every relationship (Matt 22:37–39)
Reach—Reaching out to others, as the body of Christ, to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18–20)
Connect—Renewing our relational connectivity and identity with God and with others (John 17:21–22)
Grow—Becoming more like Christ as we nurture and exercise our spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:1–7)
Live—Practicing whole-life stewardship by surrendering our every resource to God (Matt 6:33)


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